Savory Keto Bread Recipe (2024)

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Savory Keto Bread Recipe

Keto bread is a great way to enjoy bread while on the Ketogenic diet. Tender and light keto bread that is bursting with a savory herb flavor. This is my go-to keto bread recipe that you all need to try today!

Savory Keto Bread Recipe (1)

I’ve had so much fun in my kitchen making this Savory Keto Bread Recipe! I can’t wait for you to try it. I plan to use this recipe for so many different things. I’ve already made croutons out of it for Keto Stuffing! What a hit that was!!

Keto Bread

This savory Keto bread recipe has the best texture out of all the bread I’ve ever tried. I would say it’s the closest to real bread that I’ve ever tasted! I’m really enjoying my Ketogenic lifestyle. It’s not a diet, it’s a lifestyle for me.

If you are new to the Ketogenic Diet and want to start, read this article:Simple Way to Start the Ketogenic Diet

This recipe pairs nicely with thisKeto Pickle Juice Brine Turkey RecipeandtheKeto Turkey Gravy recipefor Thanksgiving. I can already imagine leftover turkey on a few slices of savory Keto bread!

Savory Keto Bread Recipe Ingredients

  • 2.5 cups almond flour
  • 1/4 cup coconut flour
  • 1/2 cup Kerrygold butter
  • 8 oz cream cheese
  • 8 whole eggs (set out at room temperature)
  • 1 tsp Rosemary seasoning
  • 1 tsp Sage seasoning
  • 2 tbs Parsley seasoning
  • 1.5 tsp baking powder

Keto Stuffing Recipe Made with Savory Keto Bread Instructions

  1. In a medium-size bowl, cream together the 1/2 cup of butter and 8 oz of cream cheese until it’s a smooth consistency.
  2. Add the 1 tsp Rosemary, 1 tsp Sage, and 2 tbs Parsley seasonings to the mixture and whip it until it’s fully combined.
  3. Add the eggs and continue mixing the batter until it’s smooth.
  4. Finally, add the flours, and the baking powder. The batter will be a bit thick.
  5. Grease 3 mini loaf pans. Fill each pan about 1/2 way with this savory batter. You can use the bigger loaf pans if you want but they will take longer to bake in the oven.
  6. Bake it at 350 degrees for about 35 minutes. (the large loaf pans take about 50-55 minutes) The bread should be golden brown on top and pass the toothpick test (stick a toothpick in the center of the dough and it should come out clean).


I sliced each loaf thin at about 12 slices each.

Keto Savory Keto Bread Nutrition

Serves 24 (1 slice)

Calories 140, Total C 2.8g, Fiber 1.3g, Net C 1.5g, Sugars 0.5g, Fat 13.9g, Protein 3.2g

Savory Keto Bread Recipe (2)

Savory Keto Bread Recipe (3)

Savory Keto Bread Recipe (4)

Savory Keto Bread Recipe (5)

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Savory Keto Bread Recipe

4.54 from 81 votes

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Prep Time 5 minutes mins

Cook Time 30 minutes mins

Total Time 35 minutes mins

Servings 24 slices

Calories 140



  • In a medium-size bowl, cream together the 1/2 cup of butter and 8 oz of cream cheese until it’s a smooth consistency.

  • Add the 1 tsp Rosemary, 1 tsp Sage, and 2 tbs Parsley seasonings to the mixture and whip it until it’s fully combined.

  • Add the eggs and continue mixing the batter until it’s smooth.

  • Finally, add the flours, and the baking powder. The batter will be a bit thick.

  • Grease 3 mini loaf pans. Fill each pan about 1/2 way with this savory batter. You can use the bigger loaf pans if you want but they will take longer to bake in the oven.

  • Bake it at 350 degrees for about 35 minutes. (the large loaf pans take about 50-55 minutes) The bread should be golden brown on top and pass the toothpick test (stick a toothpick in the center of the dough and it should come out clean).


Serving: 1slice` | Calories: 140 | Carbohydrates: 2.8g | Protein: 3.2g | Fat: 13.9g | Fiber: 1.3g | Sugar: 0.5g | Net Carbs: 1.5g

Nutrition facts are provided as a courtesy.

Tried this recipe? Mention @ISaveA2Z or tag #KetoFriendlyRecipes!

See how easy and simple this keto bread recipe is! This is one of the best keto bread recipes I have tried over the years. Plus it is easy, and you can’t beat that. Whip up this low carb keto bread today.

If you are looking for more Keto snack ideas, I highly suggest you look at the Top 10 Keto Snacks article here! It’s an excellent list of great ideas.

Savory Keto Bread Recipe (2024)


How many slices of keto bread can I eat per day? ›

You can, maybe a slice or two here and there, but you ideally don't want to be eating too much of it. This is because a keto diet involves eating minimal carbs; less than 50g a day. However, a slice of bread contains around 20g of carbs, which is quite a chunk of your daily carbohydrate allocation.

Does keto bread spike blood sugar? ›

Key Takeaways. Keto bread is good for people with diabetes. Since it has a lower carb, higher fiber, and protein, it may help stabilize blood sugar levels. Due to keto bread's higher protein and fiber content, it has a low glycemic index, resulting in less post-meal blood sugar response.

What is the healthiest bread for keto? ›

Sourdough is a traditional favorite, and thanks to the Great Low Carb Bread Co. you can now fit it in your keto plan. Each slice of this sourdough bread has 8 grams of carbohydrates, 7 grams of fiber, 3 grams of fat, and 7 grams of protein, making it perfectly balanced for a keto diet. And it's delicious, too.

What makes keto bread better? ›

In conclusion, there are several notable differences between keto bread vs regular bread. But for the most part, keto bread is made with non-grain flours, has a significantly lower carbohydrate content, is more nutrient-dense, and may have a slightly different flavour and texture.

Is 2 slices of bread a day bad for weight loss? ›

A study of 9,267 adults discovered that eating two slices (120 grams) of white bread per day was associated with a 40 percent increased risk of weight gain and obesity. Researchers have found that more refined and processed foods, such as white bread and white rice, resulted in greater abdominal fat.

Can I eat 4 slices of bread a day and lose weight? ›

Yes, whole grain bread is very good for weight loss. Eating whole grains have been shown to help eliminate more belly fat when compared to eating refined grains. Whole grain bread contains fiber, which may also help keep you full for longer, making it easier to eat less overall and help lose weight.

Will keto bread throw you out of ketosis? ›

When added carefully, keto bread can be incorporated into a ketogenic diet. Typically low calorie — one popular brand, Franz Keto, contains only 40 calories a slice per its white bread — keto bread is also typically lower in carbohydrates and higher in protein and fiber than other breads.

What is the best bread for a1c lowering? ›

The American Diabetes Association recommends choosing whole grain bread or 100 percent whole wheat bread instead of white bread.

Why is keto bread so expensive? ›

Low-carb products often require specialist ingredients or different baking and manufacturing processes, which can contribute to higher production costs. Ingredients like our specialist flours, or alternative sweeteners are much more expensive than traditional flour or sugar.

Is there a bread that has no carbohydrates? ›

A typical slice of cloud bread has zero carbs, 36 calories, and 2 grams each of fat and protein. Use it in place of English muffins, burger buns, sandwich bread, and more.

Does toasting bread reduce carbs? ›

Toasting bread doesn't change its nutritional value, but it may decrease the glycemic index. Toasted bread calories aren't any fewer than untoasted bread calories. Toasting also doesn't affect carbohydrates or gluten; it may lower the glycemic index of bread, which is an advantage.

What rice has no carbs? ›

It's Skinny rice is also known as shirataki rice. Like It's Skinny pasta, It's Skinny rice has ZERO carbs in a 1 cup serving and only 9 calories in the entire two-serving bag! That's right!

Is mayo keto friendly? ›

Mayonnaise is a great condiment for the Keto Diet because it contains high fat, low protein, and zero carbohydrates. In fact, it's a fantastic low carb condiment great for any diet.

What sweetener to use for keto bread? ›

Allulose. Allulose is a game-changer in keto baking. This rare sugar mimics the taste and texture of traditional sugar, making it an ideal substitute in recipes. With 70% of the sweetness of sucrose and negligible caloric value, allulose can be used to create soft, moist baked goods without affecting blood sugar levels ...

Is peanut butter keto? ›

Peanut butter can definitely be part of a keto diet, but it's best to stick to plain options that are free of extra flavors and sweeteners. Almond butter is a good choice, too, and it's slightly lower in carbs. Additionally, you should be mindful of your portion size if you're trying to lose weight.

Is it OK to eat a lot of keto bread? ›

Additionally, some keto bread brands may contain artificial ingredients or additives that can be detrimental to long-term health. It's important to consume keto bread in moderation and prioritize a well-rounded diet that includes a variety of nutrient-dense foods.

Is 4 slices of bread a day too much? ›

'Healthy eating guidelines recommend starchy carbohydrates, which include bread, make up about a third of our diet,' Juliette explained. 'As a guideline, one to two medium slices is usually considered to suit most people (those or are very active may prefer more, those who are inactive may want less).

Will 2 slices of bread take me out of ketosis? ›

You'll need to stay under 50 grams of carbohydrates per day to enter and stay in ketosis. That's about three slices of bread, two bananas or 1 cup of pasta.

Can I eat low carb bread every day? ›

So you need to eat less than 120-130 grams of carbs in a day for a low-carb diet, or less than 50 grams for a ketogenic diet. A piece of bread might be 20 grams of carbohydrate, so sure, you could have some bread. But not that much.


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Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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